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Deconstructing Racism New Mexico (DRNM) is a coalition of individuals and organizations including Doña Ana Communities United (Las Cruces), Earthcare (Santa Fe), Las Vegas Peace & Justice Center (Las Vegas), New Mexico Dream Team (Albuquerque and Statewide), New Mexico Social Justice and Equity Institute (Gallup), Together for Brothers (Albuquerque), UNM Community Engagement Center (Albuquerque) and others. The coalition is coordinated and facilitated by Together for Brothers. DRNM was founded more than 15 years ago, and is best known for hosting the Anti-Racism Day at the state capitol. In 2019-2020, DRNM implemented a strategic plan that resulted in current strategies: anti-racism training, declaring structural racism a public health crisis, decolonization & demilitarization and implementing a statewide health impact assessment (HIA).


DRNM is thankful for the financial support from Albuquerque Community Foundation, Amalgamated Foundation, Con Alma Health Foundation, McCune Charitable Foundation, New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH), Santa Fe Community Foundation, United Way of Central New Mexico and others.

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